Sunday, September 4, 2011

Piercing & sucking mouth parts in mosquitoes

    Piercing & sucking mouth parts in mosquitoes:-
    In mosquito, mouth parts are piercing & sucking type i.e. they are adapted for piercing the tissues of animal or plants to suck blood or plant juice.
    The mouth parts consist of labium, labrum-epipharynx, hypopharynx, mandibles & maxillae.

    Mouth parts:-
    1. Labium:-
     The labium is modified to form a long, straight, fleshy tube called proboscis. It has a deep labial groove on its upper side. At the distal end of labium is a pair of small tactile labella which are reduced labial palps.
    The labial groove lodges all other mouthparts. During piercing, labella guides the mandibles & maxillae. The whole labium bends back to allow needle like mouthparts to go in the flesh.

    1. Labrum-epipharynx:-
    The labrum is long & needle like with ventral groove. The epipharynx is fused with the labrum forming labrum- epipharynx.
    It covers the labial groove dorsally from inside. This structure appears C – shaped in transverse section having a groove called food channel.

    1. Hypopharynx:-
    Food channel is closed below by a long, pointed & flattened plate, like a double edged sword, called hypopharynx. It possesses a salivary duct, opening at its tip.
     Through this duct saliva is poured to prevent coagulation of  blood during sucking.

    1. Mandibles & maxillae:-
    Within the labial groove lies paired, long, needle shaped mandibles & maxillae. Mandibles end in sharp tiny blades, while maxillae into saw like blades bearing teeth.
    Mandibles & maxillae act as piercing organs.

    In male the labrum-epipharynx & the labium are the same as in the female, but the mandibles & maxillae are very short & functionless & the hypopharynx is fused with the labium.

    Mechanism of feeding:-
    The normal food of both sexes are nectar of flower & juices of plants, but the female possesses modified mouth parts for obtaining additional meals of blood of vertebrates.
    A female mosquito sits on a vertebrate & presses its labellae of proboscis against the skin. Labellae act as a guide for the piercing mandibles & maxillae.
    The labium bends back and mandibles & maxillae pierce deep into the skin in order to puncture the blood capillaries.
     Saliva, acting as an anticoagulant, is injected down the hypopharynx into the wound.
    The labrum-epipharynx & hypopharynx together form a feeding tube to suck up blood.
    The suction is caused by the pharynx by which blood comes into the mouth.